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Revision as of 12:12, 2 August 2016

Lapis Lazuli is a layer on top of Watir Webdriver, so it has all the functions Watir has, and more!

Often the question is asked why someone would use it, if Watir can do anything they need to do automating a website. The short answer is: LL enforces the developer to use best practices over quick and dirty solutions without costing extra effort.

So what are the advantages:

Error reporting

» More detailed, can suppress error, easy customized error message.


button = browser.button(:text => 'NotExistingElement')
=> #<Watir::Button:0x..f908e3510 located=false selector={:text=>"NotExistingElement", :tag_name=>"button"}>
=> Watir::Exception::UnknownObjectException: unable to locate element, using {:text=>"sadfsad", :tag_name=>"button"}

In Watir an error is thrown after you try to interact with it instead of the moment you try to search for the element. Also, to do a customized error, you have to catch the default error with your custom text.

Lapis Lazuli

button = browser.find(:button => {:text => 'NotExistingElement'})
=> RuntimeError: Error in find - Cannot find elements with selectors: {:pick=>:first, :mode=>:match_one, :selectors=>[{:button=>{:text=>"NotExistingElement"}}]} [ https://www.google.nl/?gfe_rd=cr&ei=QGqgV4jRL7DH8AfVmq2IBg&gws_rd=ssl ]

button = browser.find(
  :button => {:text => 'NotExistingElement'},
  :message => "The button was not found, but that's no problem, we didn't want to find it anyway."
=> RuntimeError: The button was not found, but that's no problem, we didn't want to find it anyway.
button = browser.find(
  :button => {:text => 'NotExistingElement'},
  :throw => false
unless button
  #Do something else

In Lapis Lazuli the default error already contains 'readable text', an automatic screenshot is taken and the URL is shown where the problem occurred. Besides that, it's also easy to customize the error message to your own likes. If a not-found element is not necessarily an issue, you can simply suppress the error with :throw => false

Finding elements

Prevents using regular expressions (quicker)


browser.goto 'tweakers.net'
browser.as(:class => /e/).length
# Returns 111 after 3 seconds

Lapis Lazuli

browser.goto 'tweakers.net'
browser.find_all(:like => [:a, :class, 'e']).length
# Returns 111 after 0.5 seconds

Lapis Lazuli provides the :like functionality, which is handy for multiple purposes. In the above it enables us to look for elements that include the letter "e" rather than using a regular expression. Doing this using a lot less processing (600%!). On a small scale it might not matter much, but on a larger projects, these seconds can mean 2 hours of running versus 15 minutes.

Easier to match on multiple attributes


<div class="fox" id="red"><img src="1"/></div>
<div class="fox" id="blue"><img src="2"/></div>
<div class="fence" id="red"><img src="3"/></div>
<!-- I know, an ID that's no unique, like that ever happens!? :-) -->

» Select the div with image src="1"



No need for wait loops

Interaction with multiple results

Can look for custom attributes


Just as simple to start in IRB

Simple remote testing

Build in screenshot system

Project level

Build in Configuration variables