Creating your first ta project

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Creating the project folder

The easiest way to do this is using Lapis_Lazuli's build in create function. This will create all needed folders and files to get started. If you like, you could also do this manually.

  1. Open the console
  2. Go to the folder where you want to create you project
    • E.G.: cd C:/ruby/projects/
  3. Write lapis_lazuli create <projectname>
    • Where <projectname> is the name of your project without `<>`
Console result creating project

Test running the project

The project created by Lazis Lazuli has some basic scripts. To confirm it's working properly, let's run it!

Continue from where we left off in the console:

> cd <projectname>
> cucumber

You should see a browser pop-up after a few seconds and click trough some pages. In the end the console should show something like:

1 scenario (1 passed)
3 steps (3 passed)

=== Common issues on your first run ===

* [[cannot load such file -- (...) (LoadError)]]
** E.G. "cannot load such file -- watir-webdriver (LoadError)"
* [[unable to obtain stable firefox connection]]
* [[Install ANSICON for coloured output]]

If other problems occured for you, please feel free to [[|contact us]] so we can add the solution to our Wiki.

== Folder structure ==

After creating your project, you will have a folder structure similar as below. Feel free to click around the folders and open the files. The recommended (free) program to use is [ Notepad++].

02. ├─> config.yml
03. └─> cucumber.yml
05. ├─┬/step_definitions/
06. │ ├─> interaction_steps.rb
07. │ └─> validation_steps.rb
08. ├─┬/support/
09. │ └─> env.rb
10. ├─> example.feature
11. └─> mobile.feature
  • 01. /config/
    • This folder contains configuration information about your project. Some handy things you can do here is write credentials that will later be re-used throughout your whole automation project.
  • 04. /features/
    • This is the core of your project. It contains the test cases, the code executed in the steps of your test cases and any other code you wish to write for your solution.
  • 10. example.feature
    • This file contains your test cases, split up in Features which contain Scenario's which Contains Steps.
    • More information about writing Feature files can be found in Writing_gherkin_test_cases_in_cucumber
  • 05. step_definitions
    • This folder contains the definitions of the steps you've described in your feature files. Any file ending with "_steps.rb" will be included in the execution. So you can create the files however you feel it will be most organized.
  • 08. Support
    • More information about this in the Advanced tutorial.
  • 12. log
    • This will contain logging information after each test you have executed
  • 13. results
    • Can be used to export results of you test run to
  • 14. screenshots
    • Any screenshot taken by your scripts will be stored in this folder.