Lapis Lazuli:Default values for find / multi find / find all / multi find all and wait options

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The default options for a find action:

# find defaults, returns 1 element
  :element => {:attribute => :value}, # E.G. :input => {:name => 'username'}
  :filter_by => :present?, # :present? / :exists? Can we see and interact with it or is it anywhere in the code
  :context => a_different_element, # Optionally add a context element to search within
  :pick => :first, # pick the :first / :last / :random / [int] of the found elements
  :throw => true, # When false, no error will be thrown if the element can't be found
  :message => nil, # When nil a default error will be thrown, else you can add a string for a custom error message

# find_all defaults, returns an array of elements
  # All the options are the same, except:
  :pick => nil, # When :pick is nil, all found elements will be returned in an array

# multi_find defaults, returns 1 element that matches ANY of the selectors
  :selectors => [# A list of different element selectors
      :element => {:attribute => 'value'}, # E.G. :input => {:name => 'username'}
      :filter_by => :present?, # Only look for elements that are present
      :context => a_different_element # Optionally add a context element to search within
      :anotherElement => {:attribute => 'differentValue'}, # E.G. :input => {:name => 'username'}
      :filter_by => :present?, # Only look for elements that are present
      :context => a_different_element # Optionally add a context element to search within
  :mode => :match_any, # :match_one / :match_any / :match_all of the given selectors
# The rest of the options are the same as browser.find

# multi_find_all, returns all the elements that match any of the selectors
  :selectors => [# A list of different element selectors
    # The same as with browser.multi_find
  :mode => :match_any, # :match_one / :match_any / :match_all of the given selectors
  :pick => nil, # When :pick is nil, all found elements will be returned in an array
# The rest of the options are the same as browser.find

# wait, waits 10 seconds for the selectors to return a value and else throws an error
  # All the options are the same as browser.find
  :timeout => 10, # [int] in seconds to wait for the element to appear
  :condition => :until # wait :until or :while an element is present

# wait_all. multi_wait & multi_wait_all are the same as their find relatives, but than with the wait options.

On Lapis Lazuli:Selecting an element we go deeper into how to use this in practise.