Installing ruby with cucumber on a windows machine

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Installing Ruby

  1. Download and the latest version of Ruby for windows 32 bit on
  2. Accept the terms
  3. Install to C:\Ruby
  4. Check all 3 checkboxes
  • We're installing Ruby 32 bit because 64 bit can cause issues.
  • You can install to a different folder, but in the rest of this tutorial we will refer to this folder.

Installing DevKit

  1. Download and open the latest Devkit for Windows 32 bit on
  2. Extract to C:\Ruby\devkit\
    • Winstall-devkit.png
  3. Open command prompt
    1. Go to Run (Windows Key + R)
    2. Write 'cmd'
    3. Press enter
    • Winstall-runcmd.png
  4. Go to C:\Ruby\devkit
  5. Write ruby dk.rb init
  6. Write ruby dk.rb install
    • Winstall-devkit-console.png
  7. Configure config.yml if needed.
    • When you get the message "Invalid configuration or no Rubies listed. Please fix 'config.yml'". Please update your config.yml to point to the ruby folder. More info can be found here.

Installing the necessary plugins

Now the installation of Ruby is complete, we can start installing the necessary plugins. These are so called “Gems” in Ruby. (A ruby is a gem, so the creators decided to call their plugins gems)

Copy the code written below and paste it in the CMD (right click, paste)

gem update --system
gem install lapis_lazuli --no-ri --no-rdoc

While you're installing, do not copy any other text onto your clipboard or let your computer go to sleep. If you do so, CMD will stop installing after the last line of text.

That's it! You're now ready to start setting up your cucumber project. You can read more about this in the next article.

Extra installations

if you'd like you can now also install Ansicon so that test results will be colored in the commandline output

Extra information

This section is for you to have a better understanding of what is happening during the installation. And what the commands we're using in console actually mean.

When we installed ruby, we checked a checkbox saying "Add ruby executables to your PATH". What we did here, was making ruby commands globally accessible in the console.

Now because these commands are global, we can go to devkit folder and write "ruby dk.rb install". Where we are actually saying: "Hey Ruby! I want you to look at this file dk.rb I have here and install it".

Same thing happens with "gem install lapis_lazuli": "Hey Ruby, I want you to do something with a gem, which is installing and the name is lazpis_lazuli". After which Ruby is going to look online in their software system looking for a gem called lapis_lazuli.